杭州 上城区 上城区清波街7号
2019-12-14 - 2019-12-24
策展人:Juaniko Moreno 焕尼克
翁贝托·艾柯在他的《 “To say almost the same”》一书中深入探讨了译者的任务,并解释了为什么翻译只能试图让另一种语言说“几乎一样的话”。翻译是一个在符号、文化语境、习俗和同源意义之间不断推敲的过程。它可以是不同语言间的(在两种口语或书面语之间),同一语言内的(在同一种语言内,但需要像归纳总结一样重构意义),或符号间的(在两种不同的符号学语言之间,即从小说到电影,或从诗歌到绘画)。而译者所承担的这些角色,也可以说就是艺术家的日常工作。
In his book “To say almost the same”, Umberto Eco delves into the task of the translator, and explains how translation can only but aspire to say “almost the same” in another language. It is a constant negotiation process, between interpretation and transmutation of signs, cultural contexts, customs and homologous meanings. Translation can be interlinguistic (between two spoken or written languages), intralinguistic (within the same language but reformulating the meaning, like making a summary) or intersemiotic (between two different semiotic languages, which is to say, from a novel to a movie, or a poem to a painting). All of those roles and characteristics of a translator, may as well describe the daily work of an artist.
安智恩 / 韩国 A MAN 2019 布面油画
The international student condition in the China Academy of Art could not be more accurately defined by all of these roles. Students are faced with multiple levels of translation, interpretation and communication between their home context and the one they live in, their mother tongue and the ones they are learning, or the different dimensions to the symbols in popular culture, human relations and their own imaginaries.
西海望 / Japan 日本 母性 2019 混合媒体
For this show, we have selected some outstanding works of those students, which better portray this daily negotiation between “languages”. We hope that within the diversity here shown, the spectator can find several gateways to overcome the boundaries of language and access the complex and polysemic nature of the artists, both as individual and as a collective. We aspire to find a “supra-language”, a language that accesses to all others but refrains from limiting itself, a language that flows through meanings but cannot be indexed into a dictionary. A living language of both the certain and the unknown.
Devin Junior / 印度尼西亚 崇拜 相纸
In this exhibition, artists from different nationalities and origins approach artistic creation as a sensitive channel of communication. By means of shaping and fusing materials such as paper, canvas, glass, fabric or oil, through processes like printing, painting, embroidering, exposing or editing, they open a diversity of paths that convey in the shared theme of “language”: as a mean, as an end, as a platform; trying to ultimately overcome it, in order to stablish a mutual understanding through the common experiences hidden within every image, through the spiritual traces that mark the life experience of every international student’s journey.
释放 2019 植物和木头
Elena Geleva / 马其顿 佚名
关于策展人 About the Curator
策展人 Juaniko Moreno 焕尼克
Juaniko Moreno (Bucaramanga, Colombia, 1993)
Bachelor of Fine Arts from the National University of Colombia (2016) and currently studying a Master’s Program on Curatorial Studies in the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, CN.
“容——格调的选择”艺术油画展、“梦的印记”——印度艺术家古巴塔个人现代绘画展和塞尔维亚艺术家米阳光(Svet Milu)个人艺术展览以及美院2019年毕业生作品展,同时,积极开展以“艺术实践进社区”活动,为街道和社区举办艺术课堂、讲座、国际文化艺术周等社区活动。